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2022 Annual Report to for Akeley VH AGM.
Date: 24/07/2023
With COVID-19 restrictions finally behind us 2022 has been a much better year for the Village
Hall operations. This has resulted in a more profitable financial year. Regular activities and bookings remain higher than last year. Subject to final accounting checks, we have made an operating profit of around £4500.00 to the end of December 2022.
We do remain in a fortunate financial position. However, having come through the pandemic we face new challenges with increasing energy prices, something we are all familiar with. We have assistance from the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. However, once this comes to an end, we will face higher energy prices.
In 2023 we will be looking at several projects such the feasibility of fitting solar panel in conjunction with a new heating system and replacing the existing lighting with LED bulbs. This is primarily to reduce energy costs and future proof the village hall.
We will also look at fitting and audio-visual system and providing Wi-Fi to enhance the facilities. Funding will be sought from various fund sources to cover the costs.
During 2023 we will also be undertaking decorating and a number internal and external maintenance tasks.
The village hall website, hosted by Lemon Booking, continues to work well in promoting the hall and allowing online booking enquiries.
The continued support of the Parish Council in contributing to our ongoing maintenance fund remains an important aspect in maintaining this important village asset.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record we are still hoping to find a treasurer and someone to take on the booking role. Neither of these roles would need to be carried out by a trustee.
While we remain committed to managing and maintaining this important
village asset, I would like to thank all members of the committee and our caretaker for their continued dedication and time.
Andy Sayer Chairman


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